My Pray

This day, i've tried doing something that was ended always same..
Every day...after what i was done.
After all of the tears couldn't be erased..
After all of mistake couldn't be forgiven..
and forgotten...

There's something in my heart.. that could not be seen by someone else.
It was only could be felt,
but with someone whom i loved so much..
With someone that is always truly beside me..
With someone that could be struggled for me...

I didn't know.. what was really happened..
I just know.. i want him to be happy..
for me,,
and for himself..

God.. please take care of him..
like You always take care of me.. with Your love..

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Situs Asrama Medica said...

seribu doa untuk satu keinginan
dengan seribu pengorbanan untuk satu kebahagiaan,
serta seribu penderitaan untuk satu alasan.....

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