Dear Allah..
Thanks for all joyness and goodness that you bring to me today..
I'm so happy.. and grateful..
3 August 2011.. is one of the most excited, tense, and happy day in my life...
This day. I have my graduation.
and this was because of you..Allah..
Thanks for all your kindness to me...
Dear My lovely mom and dad..
Thank you...
Thanks for all prayer, encouragement, support, patience in the accompany me during this..
There is no award is more beautiful than your love
I love you.. mom.. dad..
I hope Allah always take care of you...
For dear my brothers..
Thank you... for everything that was given and done for me...
I know... somehow we can be like brother and sister as good as before..
Somehow.. you.. my brothers.. can be together again...
In one family.. our family...
Dear my friends...
Thanks because of you are there for me..
Support me.. and made me calm dawn when i need to be calm..
Thank you my friends...
and the last...
For my beloved person...
I know... you are still there..for me..
even you're far from me now...
I know.. i believe that you always pray for me...
Thanks for your patience...all this time...
For the first time i know.. you are gonna being my special person...
The love of my life..
because today... in my special day.... truly happen because of you..
You are the one that was made me through all this..strong to face it..
Even i cannot see you anymore...
But remember...
My heart is only belongs to you.. always
(3 Agustus 2011) - Dian Pratiwi, ST, MTi \(^.^)/
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